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  • Magdalena Atkinson
  • Magdalena Atkinson
  • Magdalena Atkinson

Day 10 - Chanting Circle - 40 Days of Healing and Transformation

Writer: Magdalena AtkinsonMagdalena Atkinson

Om Shanti,

Welcome to the celebration of our chanting journey so far, a celebration of the Healing path. I trust that I will meet some of you today to share our group experience and chant some or all the chants we have explored over the last 9 days.

Saturday the 21st at 6pm UK time there is a chanting zoom session, here is a link.

Meeting ID: 760 8899 1419 Passcode: Jqw9ri (I think that you dont need it, but it is here just in case)

If you can not join us live, don't worry, use the short video of our main mantra for this 40 Days, RA MA DA SA or any other video I have shared so far with you, which features this mantra and any of your favourite mantra. I trust that you will enjoy coming back to this library of mantras and songs beyond our 40 Days together.

I called our first 10 days together a "Healing Path: focusing on the mantras and songs related to healing on a personal and global level. The next part is called "Transformation path" followed by "Empowering path" and finally "The New beginning". All of those parts are interlinked, gradually releasing the old patterns and changing old structures in our lives, which no longer serves us.

Humanity is at the edge of the Great Change, many countries around the globe has started their own revolutions which power can not be underestimated. (My home land Poland is one of them, with thousands of people protesting daily on the streets). Astrologically the ruler of Revolution and Change is Uranus and his sigh of Aquarius. This is the liberation, change, revolution, social justice, novelty, technology archetype. Many astrologers and visionaries have been using the term "Age of Aquarius" for the next epoch. Doesn't it feel to you that we may indeed be witnessing the shift between the epochs right now? It is possible. That's why it is important to be grounded right now and observe where this new energy is guiding us. The culmination of the energy shift this year is the 21st of December, when Jupiter meets Saturn at the 0 degree in Aquarius. The first and the last degrees of any signs are always the strongest. This conjunctions is the beginning of the new energy marking the directions for the next 20 years cycle. It may not be a sudden shift but it is likely that a new path of transformations for the coming years will be carved.

See you this evening or tomorrow!

Om Shanti



It is a donation based 40 days retreat of healing accessible by all. To contribute your donation use the PAYPAL link

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Event Photo cover by Jan Kasparec



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